Long overdue news and updates

Hello again. It’s been a while. The last few months have been a whirlwind for me, filled with the tremendous, unprecedented joy of launching my book, Closer to Where We Began, at the Glad Day Bookstore in Toronto, on April 12, 2017, to a most appreciative and receptive audience that included some of my dearest friends and family. Since then, I’ve had the pleasure and privilege and reading alongside other fantastic poets, including fellow Tightrope authors Ron Charach and Karen Mulhallen, Jennifer LoveGrove, Katheri Lanthier, Julie Cameron Gray, Bänoo Zan, Steven Takatsu, Maureen Scott Harris, and perhaps most notably, one of my oldest, dearest friends, Kelly Norah Drukker, whose award-winning debut collection, Small Fires, came out last year. In the process, it’s been beyond thrilling to meet and get to know so many lovely folks in the Toronto community, who have been incredibly kind and generous with their feedback on my book. Other cool stuff: I turned the not-so-big 4-0, and had a fantastic weekend trip to New York. I’ve been teaching full-time again and focusing a lot of energy on my students, who continue to challenge and inspire in all kinds of ways, every day. More adventures await. More to come!